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Clindamycin is used to treat certain types of bacterial infectionsincluding infections of the lungsskinbloodfemale reproductive organsand internal organsClindamycin is in a class of medications called lincomycin antibioticsIt works by slowing or stopping the growth of bacteria.

Tell your doctor and pharmacist if you are allergic to clindamycinlincomycinLincocinany other medicationsor any of the ingredients in clindamycin capsules or solutionAsk your pharmacist for a list of the ingredientsIf you will be taking clindamycin capsulestell your doctor if you are allergic to aspirin or tartrazinea yellow dye found in some medicationstell your doctor and pharmacist what prescription and nonprescription medicationsvitaminsnutritional supplementsand herbal products you are taking or plan to takeBe sure to mention clarithromycinBiaxinin PrevPacerythromycinE.E.SE-MycinErythrocinothersindinavirCrixivanitraconazoleSporanoxketoconazoleNizoralnefazodonenelfinavirViraceptrifampinRifadinin Rifamatein RifaterRimactaneand ritonavirNorvirin KaletraYour doctor may need to change the doses of your medications or monitor you carefully for side effectsMany other medications may also interact with clindamycinso be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications you are takingeven those that do not appear on this listtell your doctor if you have or have ever had asthmaallergieseczemasensitive skin that often becomes itchy or irritatedor kidney or liver diseasetell your doctor if you are pregnantplan to become pregnantor are breastfeedingIf you become pregnant while taking clindamycincall your doctorif you are having surgeryincluding dental surgerytell the doctor or dentist that you are taking clindamycin.

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